Labor update – agreement reached

The clerical workers and their employers have reached a tentative agreement early this morning.  The pickets are gone and the longshore workers are back working the ships.  There is a back log of ships needing to be discharged, so it will be a while before everything is back to normal.  In the meantime, we are…


Labor on west coast update

As noted in the news over the past few days, the LA/LB harbor has been severely impacted due to stalled labor contract negotiations with the Office Clerical Unit of the ILWU.  To reiterate, Aloha uses exclusively Matson Lines and their OCU workers are not part of the negotiation or disruptions.  All of Aloha’s freight is…


Matson Wednesday vessel departures

Matson has announced that starting this Wednesday, August 8, the vessel departure from Long Beach has been advanced to 0400. The previous departure time was 1000, so it has been advanced by 6 hours. It should mean earlier arrival times in Honolulu on Sunday afternoon and earlier container availability on Monday mornings. However, they may…


FSC adjustment and Steamship Delay

Matson has notified us of a delay in the departure of the vessel scheduled to depart Long Beach tomorrow, Wednesday. The vessel has a mechanical problem with a turbo charger that will result in a delay of approximately 12 hours. We will expedite all shipments upon arrival. However, most deliveries that would normally be accomplished…
